Creating a Reconciliation Period
At the last stage of creating a new reconciliation period, the system brings the info forth that you have entered during the process of uploading reconciliation one last time. You can reach detailed info of that box by clicking the column of 3 dots at the top right on the relevant boxes. If you are all done, complete the process by clicking the "Create Reconciliation Period" button. In this case, these reconciliations will be on "Reconciliations to be Sent" tab of the "Main Page". At this stSome readersCustom Reconciliation Settings
We have created a platform for you on Custom Settings menu that enables you to manage your reconciliations more effectively and set according to your needs. Put them into use by clicking the boxes next to the ones you wish to manage. It is selected when the box is in blue. Auto Request Statements from Nonreconcilers: When you enable tick this box, if the authorized officer of your counterpart clicks "I Do Not Reconcile" and logs out without uploading the current account statement of theirSome readersUploading Reconciliation Statement from Excel
You can upload both the balance list of reconciliations that you will send and the statement which forms that balance to Easyrecon. You can download the Excel template you will use for uploading on "Activity Template" that can be found under the main menu "Reports and Templates". You have to create the file by entering all the companies' statements you wish to send reconciliations top to bottom. It is necessary to register the records of a company's statements the sum of the transactions on tSome readersIs it Possible to Upload a New Reconciliation to the Sent Reconciliation List?
You can upload a singular agreement into a period of reconciliation that you have uploaded. Go to the reconciliation period where you want to add a record. Click on the Settings button. Press the "Add New Reconciliation Record" button from the popup menu window. Fill out the form as appropriate with the reconciliation information you wish to submit. Fields marked with "*" are required. When you press the Add button, the recording is added and the immediate invitation email is sent to tSome readersGeneral Reconciliation Settings
On the "General Settings" screen, you can make the following settings: E-Mail Reminder Days On days you will choose here, Easyrecon will automatically send a memorandum of invitation to companies that have not responded to the agreement. The default value for this selection is "Monday, Wednesday, Friday" Click on the text and select the days you want the reminder to be sent from. Reconciliation Template You cannot send a reconciliation without the reconciliation template design. The personFew readersUploading Reconciliation Balance Data from Excel
If you wish to upload reconciliation data by using an Excel file, first download the suitable Excel file template that can be found on the website. You can download the Excel data templates from the menu "Reports and Templates" that is on the upper menu. Fill in the Excel file you have downloaded. The fields in red on the picture below shows the fields required to be filled for each reconciliation.Few readersSelect Reconciliation Type
Pick the reconciliation you wish to make: Current Reconciliation Blank Reconciliation If you choose "Current Reconciliation" type, you can choose one of the alternative reconciliation types from the field "Related Category" that will popup on the right side. "Current Account Balance Reconciliation" will be the default pick. The Reconciliation Type cannot be changed after the the process of reconciliation delivery has begun. Reconciliation Period: Choose the period you wish to reconcilFew readersWhy is Uploading the Statement is Important?
You don't have to upload a reconciliation statement to initiate a reconciliation process; however, if you do, these are the benefits; When the responding company replies as "I Disagree", that company can view the statement info about themselves and can define the reconciliation differences by marking the transactions that creates the differences. Your statement is on standby for the use of your solution for statement comparison "Comparison Engine" by Easyrecon. In case of a non-agreement,Few readersWhat Info are Necessary to Upload Reconciliation
You have to provide the info stated below to upload a new reconciliation. The system will not upload if one of these is missing. Current Account Code Current Account Name Tax ID Number (If you are going to reconcile with abroad companies, you may enter the current account code info here) If you are sending domestic reconciliation the tax number should not be less than 10, more than 11. Don't use symbols like ", ', <,> Amount (No negative values). The value must be written in number fFew readersSending Uploaded Reconciliations
After checking that everything is in order, you can send your reconciliations . Click the plane icon waiting for take off. Click the confirmation box to start the reconciliation process. By starting the reconciliation process; You have started the sending process of emails for the reconciliation request to their receivers and activated the reconciliation. You cannot change the "Reconciliation Type" or "Reconciliation Period" after you have initiated the delivery.Few readersDeleting an Unsent Incorrect Reconciliation Period
Click the gear icon on the right if you think that the reconciliation period you created is incorrect. Click the button "Delete this Reconciliation Period" on the popup panel. The period will be deleted from the records.Few readers